Modulational instability of periodic standing waves in the derivative NLS equation




报告题目:Modulational instability of periodic standing waves in the derivative NLS equation  


腾讯会议:会议 ID500 827 614



We consider the periodic standing waves in the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger (DNLS) equation arising in plasma physics. By using the nonlinearization of Lax pair with two eigenvalues, we classify all periodic standing waves in terms of eight eigenvalues of the Kaup-Newell spectral problem located at the end points

of the spectral bands outside the real line. The analytical work is complemented with the numerical approximation of the spectral bands, this enables us to fully characterize the modulational instability of the periodic standing waves in the DNLS equation.


陈金兵,博士,东南大学数学学院教授,博士生导师。2006年毕业于郑州大学数学系获理学博士学位,曾访问洛桑联邦理工学院数学系,德州大学大河谷分校数学系,和麦克马斯特大学数学系。长期从事可积非线性偏微分方程的有限带积分、谱稳定性、非线性海洋波理论及相关领域的研究。在该领域以第一或通讯作者已发表30余篇学术论文,如:Stud. Appl. Math., Rev. Math. Phys., Physica D, J. Nonlinear Sci., Phys. Rev. E, Nonlinearity, J. Math. Phys., Dynam. Part. Differ. Eq.等期刊。曾主持两项国家自然科学基金面上项目和一项青年基金。