学 术 报 告
题目:Practical algorithms for tensor ring decomposition
报告人:李寒宇 教授单位:重庆大学,数学与统计学院
时 间:2022年11月19日(周六)上午 10:00-11:00
地 点:腾讯会议:839-178-071
Abstract:Based on sketching techniques, we first propose two randomized algorithms for tensor ring (TR) decomposition. Specifically, on the basis of defining new tensor products and investigating their properties, the two algorithms are devised by applying the sub-sampled randomized Fourier transform and TensorSketch to the alternative least squares (ALS) subproblems from the fitting problem of TR decomposition. Considering that, in all the existing algorithms and our new randomized algorithms, the ALS subproblems have to be solved directly eventually, which may suffer from the intermediate data explosion issue, we then propose two strategies to tackle the computation of the subproblems. The first one is used to simplify the calculation of the coefficient matrices of the normal equations for the ALS subproblems, and the other one is to stabilize the ALS subproblems by QR factorizations on TR-cores.They can take full advantage of the structure of the coefficient matrices of the subproblems. Three corresponding algorithms are devised. Extensive numerical experiments on synthetic and real data are presented to test our methods.