Gap probability for the hard edge Pearcey process



报告题目:Gap probability for the hard edge Pearcey process




报告摘要: The hard edge Pearcey process is universal in random matrix theory and many other stochastic models. In this talk, we consider gap probabilityfor the thinned/unthinned hard edge Pearcey process over the interval (0,s). By working on the relevant Fredholm determinants, we obtain an integral representation of the gap probability via a Hamiltonian related a system of coupled differential equations and the large gap asymptotics. Moreover, we also establish asymptotic statistical properties of the counting function for the hard edge Pearcey process. This talk is based on joint works with Dan Dai, Shuai-Xia Xu and Luming Yao.

专家简介: 张仑,复旦大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。研究方向为随机矩阵理论、Riemann-Hilbert方法与渐近分析、可积系统等。在随机矩阵特征值分布普适性猜想等领域取得了重要研究成果。