From root of unity to generic



报告题目: From root of unity to generic


报告时间:2020/12/15  9:30-10:30


会议 ID214 746 805


报告摘要:The representation theory of quantum coordinate algebra $\mathcal C_q[G]$ is divided into two parts according to  $q$ being a root of unity and $q$ being generic. These two parts look quite different. HoweverI will mainly talk about their common features. Especially, some irreducible $\mathcal C_q[G]$-modules at $q$ being generic can be obtained from the irreducible $\mathcal C_\epsilon[G]$-modules at a root of unity $\epsilon$ through an asymptotic procedure.


报告人简介:张贺春,清华大学教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向是量子群的表示,无限维李代数的表示理论。在国内外著名刊物Comm. Math. Phys.Journal of AlgebraBeiträge Algebra Geom.J. Pure Appl. AlgebraAlgebr. Represent. TheoryPure Appl. Math. Q. 等发表论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金多项。